Birthday Thursday…3/21/13

Did everyone happen to see the announcement of 13.3?! Man, with these movements it’s almost like I knew something ahead of time…and NO, I certainly did not. I’m just that good!
Those that were with us last year will certainly remember it, because it’s an exact repeat! Keep in mind: If you cannot make it to the gym on Saturday then today (Thursday) is your only other opportunity to perform it!
12min AMRAP:
150 Wall Balls (20/14)
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle-Ups
See here for a detailed breakdown of movement standards.
So, we’ve got a couple birthdays in the house: Heather Avery and Michael Murray. Although we haven’t seen Michael in a while, we still want to wish him a very Happy Birthday! In traditional birthday fashion, I pick a workout that I feel favors the person’s strengths. In today’s case, we will be lifting…heavy.
IMG 8172
20min to establish a 1RM Snatch
20min to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk
*Note: You may only take THREE attempts at your expected 1RM and we will hold fast to the 20min cap!

people working out in a group fitness class


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