Become a Supple Leopard…7/3/12

So, if you didn’t already know, this CrossFit stuff is designed to get you into really, REALLY good shape. We accomplish this by becoming competent in ten areas of physical fitness: strength, speed, power, agility, coordination, stamina, accuracy, balance, cardio-respiratory endurace, and flexibility. You are considered only as fit as you are competent in all ten of these attributes. Sacrificing one for the benefit of another is a detriment to your overall general physical preparedness (GPP). With that in mind, something that I think we all take for granted is the one attribute that I highlighted above: flexibility. Believe it or not, we actually do quite a bit of focused flexibility/mobility work in the box. It helps make sure we get into the correct positioning before we attempt certain movements; this ensures you are maximally efficient in what you do! However, with only an hour a day to torture you guys, I am limited in what I can accomplish. You have 23 (!) other hours in the day to better yourself on your own. Having said that, I want to introduce you to my new best friend, the VooDoo Band:
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  • Are your tissues matted down like the fur of a dirty, nasty honey badger?
  • Do you whine about your “poor flexibility” from injuries 25 years ago?
  • Do you have range of motion restrictions?
  • Tight shoulders? Hips? Ankles?
  • Sore knees? Elbows? Shins?

Then the Voodoo Band is for you! Pick up one of these suckers for just twenty bucks and start down the path of becoming a supple leopard! There is no excuse for not taking care of your tissues at home. This should be in every athlete’s gym bag! SERIOUSLY, GET ONE…now!

  • Faster ‘Fran’ time
  • Improved range of motion
  • Restore sliding surfaces within tissues
  • Bigger deadlift
  • Restore normal fluid supply to tissues
  • Heavier squat
  • Loosen up stiff joints to restore mechanics
  • Stronger press

I’ve only got a limited number of these things, so first come, first served!
A. Skill:
Back Squat –
1×8 @ 75%
1×5 @ 85%
1×3 @ 90%
1×3 @ 95%
1×3 @ 95%
4 Rounds
200m Run
15 C2B Pull-Ups
15 Front Squats 95/65
**REMINDER: We will be CLOSED for the July 4th holiday, enjoy this time with your family as we celebrate our nations birthday!!**

people working out in a group fitness class


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